Like us on face book for daily fishing pictures and reports!
Brainerd Fishing Report: 12-20-14 The cooler than normal conditions
ealier this month were good for making ice. There is currently 10 to 12 inches of ice on most of the smaller lakes and 4 to 7 inches on the larger lakes throughout the area. The crappie fishing has been good on many of the smaller lakes throughout the area. Key locations have been deep water holes with silty bottoms. The best times have been around sunset and sunrise. The best depths have been in 28 to 32 feet of water. The walleye bite has has been fair. Anglers on Gull Lake, and North Long have been able to catch 2 to 3 fish per evening. The best walleye bait has been a shiner minnow on a set line. The northern pike action has been strong. Kyle was able to release several 32 inch+ on his last outing. The best pike locations have been right outside the weed line.
Happy Holidays everyone! JOHN

Gull Lake Walleyes! |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 11-18-14 Last week's
unseasonably cold temperatures have put a jump start on this
year's ice fishing season. I haven't seen this much ice,
this early, in many years. Several of the larger area lakes
are still open in many locations but most of the smaller
area lakes and many of the bays on the larger lakes are
frozen. We should have excellent ice conditions this year if
the current conditions hold. The forecast is calling for
several more days of lows dipping into the single digits. We
should have a few house out in the next couple of days if
the snow can just hold off. There's nothing worse for early
season ice than a big snowfall. It would be nice not having
slush under the snow this year. Kyle was out on the river
yesterday and found good, walkable ice. The spear and ice
are ready to roll. Give us a call when you want to go play
on the ice. Stay safe and warm. JOHN

First Ice Walleyes! |
Recent Ice Conditions in Brainerd, MN |
Lake Edna is Frozen |
Lake Hubert is too |
So is Lake Edwards |
Gilbert Lake is locked up |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 11-13-14 Last Monday's
storm dumped between 7-8 inches of snow on the Brainerd
Lakes area and the local landscape has turned white. The
first weekend of deer hunting went a little slower for us
this year but we still managed to harvest several nice
bucks. The largest was Todd's big eight. It hasn't been
scored but it looks like it might make 160-165 B&C. The
weatherman is predicting nighttime lows in the single digits
for the next five days so I'm sure there will be a few less
hunters in the woods this coming weekend. The good news is
many of the smaller local ponds are now frozen over and
several of the smaller lakes will soon follow. We just might
have an early ice fishing season for a change. Todd and Kyle
have been sprucing up the fish and spear houses and things
should be ready to roll when safe ice arrives. Give us a
call and we will help set things up. Stay safe and warm. See
you next week. JOHN

Todd's BIG Eight! |
Weekly Brainerd Deer Hunting Pictures! |
Waiting for Mr. BIG |
Ben's Big Ten |
Waiting for Mr. BIG again. |
Still waiting for Mr. BIG |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 11-01-14 It's the week before deer season and the public landings have been empty. The
fall bite never really kicked in this year. The walleye action
in October was sporadic at best. I snuck out with Todd last Saturday to do a little crappie fishing
before putting his boat away and we were pleasantly
surprised to find good
crappie numbers and size. The key crappie locations were
sharp breaks near deep water holes. The best areas were
the same locations you would typically fish at first ice.
The best baits were small jigs tipped with small rubber
bodies. Good colors were white/blue and white/pink. We added
a few split shots above our presentations to help reach the
bottom quickly. The depth finder was key to finding the
locations which held the most fish. The crappie schools are
tightly bunched this time of year. Don't waste time fishing
locations where fish are not marking. The majority of the
crappies we located where suspended 2-4 feet off the bottom.
Be safe this deer season! JOHN

Fall Crappies! |
Weekly Brainerd Fishing Pictures! |
Last open water fishing 2014 |
Cold but REALLY Fun! |
Can you say Fish Fry? |
Did I say Cold??? |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 10-20-14 Sorry for the lack of fishing reports
the last few weeks but I sold my boat shortly after my last report and I haven't been back on the water since. The reports I've been hearing from the rest of the guides have been spotty. The
good walleye bite really never kicked in this fall. The milder weather
has kept many walleye schools shallower than normal and their locations have been inconsistent. The deeper walleye have been tougher to find and even harder to catch. Most groups are still catching 7 to 10 walleyes on
a 1/2 day trip but the action is well below the level we're used to for this time of year. The crappie schools are just starting to show up in the deeper holes. The crappie action should only improve as we get closer to ice. The good news is I
locked in a November build date for my new boat. It should be here in plenty of time for spring crappie fishing. I will be running the new Ranger 620 FS this year with a full windshield, 250 Verado Pro, and a 9.9 Merc kicker. It's one sweet boat. I can harder wait. I also made arrangements to have access to a spare 20 footer
in the future. I will never be stuck without a boat again in the fall. My wife always says most people get their presents in December but mine always seem to come in March. I guess there's a little truth in that but I always seem to get the bills anyways... Ha, ha.
Bow hunting has been good but I'm still waiting for MR. BIG.
The rut will be here soon. I'm anxious to see what happens. See you next week. JOHN

Still on the Hit List! |
Weekly Brainerd Bow Hunting Pictures! |
Happy, happy, happy |
That's a Nice Buck |
Estimate of 130-135 P&Y |
Life is GOOD! |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 9-16-14 Gull Lake had a
great walleye biting going for the first few days of
September and then it went south in a hurry. The walleye
bite slowed after a major cold front pushed through about
ten days ago. North Long and Whitefish have started to
recover, but they're still off the place they were at a few
weeks ago. Let's hope this week's warming trend will
stabilize things and get those fish snapping again. The
walleye have been easy to find on a many lakes throughout
the area. The only problem has been getting them to bite.
The mornings have been far better than the afternoons this
last week. Most schools are holding in 22 feet of water or
more. The bass have started to move shallow on many lakes.
It will be frog migration time before we know it. The big
pike have dropped deep. The crappie are starting to relate
to steeper breaks in deeper water. The wild rice season is
already over. See you next week. JOHN

Labor Day Walleye on Gull Lake |
Weekly Brainerd Fishing Pictures! |
Life is Good! |
Great Double |
Nice Mess of Walleyes! |
Gull Lake Walleyes |
Afternoon on North Long |
It's fish fry time! |
His personal best! |
Great Morning on Gull |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 8-28-14 The walleye bite
slowed this week in the Brainerd Lakes area. North Long and
Whitefish are still kicking out some fish, but nothing like
they were doing a few weeks ago. September will be here
before you know it. I saw over a dozen red maples this
morning which had already turned scarlet red. Where did the
summer go? Got to go, it has been busy, busy around here and
I've still got miles to go before I can rest! See you next week. JOHN

That's a BIG Smallie! |
Weekly Brainerd Fishing Pictures! |
Life is Good! |
Miss Fishing Machine |
Big Bass of the Day |
It's All Good! |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 8-18-14 Gull Lake
produced the best walleye bite
in the Brainerd Lakes Area this week. The last few days have
been nothing short of fantastic. The last few Gull Lake
trips produced good numbers and size. It's going to be a fun
September if this bite continues! The best locations on Gull
Lake have been just outside the weeds. Key water depths were
13 to 14 feet. The best bait was a creek chub fished on a
lindy rig. The best snell length was two feet long with a
number 2 hook. The Whitefish Chain is still producing a few
walleyes but the bite up there has slowed considerable. The
walleye bite on Edwards and North Long remains slow. The
bass bite has been good throughout the area. The best
locations are located on the deep water edges of weed beds.
Look for the spots where the cabbage weeds meet the sand
grass. Crankbaits have been producing good catches now that
the water is warm enough for the bass to chase. The big pike
action has been fair. We never saw the 80 water temps we
were hoping for on the big lakes this summer. The sunfish
action has been spotty. Key locations are in 14 to 16 feet
of water. The rain storm is over. It's time to head
out to Gull Lake and catch some more walleyes. Life is GOOD! See you next week. JOHN

Gull Lake was HOT this week! Nice Mess of Walleyes! |
Weekly Brainerd Fishing Pictures! |
Life is Good! |
Big Bass Award |
30 Incher! |
He's a Fishing Machine |
Mr. Bass Master |
Jake's Personal Best! |
Nice Gull Lake Walleyes! |
Second Big Fish of the Morning |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 8-10-14 The walleye bite
has finally slowed but there's still plenty of them biting
on North Long, Gull, and the Whitefish Chain. The best
method for catching walleyes has been rigging with red tail
chubs or crawlers. Key locations continue to be the main
lake structures but the walleye schools have dropped a
little deeper. Fish fast. Most schools are only willing to
give up a few fish before spooking off. Don't waste time
babysitting any particular school. Sneak in, pop a few fish,
and then be on your way. Running and gunning will put a
bunch of fish into your live-well right now if you're
willing to push yourself. The bass action shifted into a
higher gear this week as water temperatures finally hit the
80 degree mark on many lakes throughout the area. The
majority of the bass are holding on deeper cabbage edges,
near the sand grass, during the day. Dock fishing has also
produced good results for those anglers capable of skipping
plastics far underneath docks. The best bass docks have been
those with multiple ninety degrees extensions and deep blow
outs created by large boat engines. The larger sunfish have
headed into the deeper water and are located in 14 to 18
feet. The northern pike action has been good in the
afternoons. We had numerous trips this week with good size
and numbers. and numbers. The big pike action should only
improve as the water temperatures continue to rise. Key
northern pike locations are still 2 to 3 feet deeper than
the walleye schools. It's time to go fishing. September will
be here before we know it. See you next week. JOHN

The Walleye are Still Biting! |
Weekly Brainerd Fishing Pictures! |
Life is Good! |
Nice Limit of Walleye |
Big Bass Award |
She's a Fishing Machine |
Junior Bass Master |
Nice Mess of Walleye |
It's ALL Good! |
Smile for the Camera |
Another Nice Walleye! |
Miss Bass Master |
Nice Fish! |
Queen Sophie Scores! |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 7-28-14 The best walleye
bite has been on Gull Lake, North Long, and the Whitefish
Chain. The walleye action on Pelican and Edwards lakes has
been slower. The best locations have been deep water points
and saddles. The walleye schools have dropped a little
deeper this week but the majority of the fish are still
located outside the weed line. The best walleye baits have
been creek chubs and night crawlers. The best method for
catching these big "eyes" has been hovering over the hungry
schools with a lindy rig. We had several 29 inch+ walleye
again this week. This truly has been a big walleye summer. I
can't remember a year where we caught so many walleye over
29 inches. The bass action was fair this week. The cooler
water temperatures have been the main culprit. The best bass
bite has been occurring on the smaller plastics. Four inch
finesse worms have been out producing larger worm combos at
this time. The best bass locations have been the deeper weed
edges. Slower retrieve rates are out producing other
presentations. The best worm combo has been motor oil with a
chartreuse jig head. The northern pike action has finally
shifted into a higher gear. We had several afternoons with
good size and numbers. The big pike action should only
improve as the water temperatures continue to rise. Key
northern pike locations have been 2 to 3 feet deeper than
the walleye schools. Bring on the summer. It's time for a
little heat. See you next week. JOHN

The Walleye are Biting! |
Weekly Brainerd Fishing Pictures! |
Life is Good! |
She's a Fishing Machine |
Back To Back- |
29+ inch walleye! |
That's a Nice Walleye |
Limit of Walleye |
It's ALL Good! |
Nice Mess of Walleye |
Another Mess of Walleye! |
Limit of Gull Lake Walleyes |
Nice Fish! |
Nice Walleye! |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 7-21-14 Its been a good
week in the Brainerd Lakes Area. The water temperatures have
finally hit the magical 75 degree mark on Gull Lake and the
rest of the larger lakes are not far behind. The next two
weeks should be some of the best walleye fishing of the
summer. I'm not complaining, but we usually reach this mark
by mid June. With the exception of the day following the
Polar Vortex earlier in the week, the walleye bite has been
good. We caught both numbers and size with good consistency.
The biggest walleye of the week was a 32.25 incher which we
released on the Whitefish Chain. Key locations have been
deep water humps which topped off in 18 feet of water. The
best bait for these big bruisers has been large redtail
chubs on lindy rigs. The larger northern pike have started
to show up on the deeper weed edges. This action should only
improve in the weeks to come. The best baits for the gators
have been large pike minnows. The bass fishing has been
fair. We're just not seeing the numbers one would expect for
this time of year. Hopefully the warmer water temps will
jumpstart the metabolism of old bucket mouth and kick things
into a higher gear. The best sunfish action has been in 12
feet of water. Life is Good and the weather is beautiful.
Who could ask for anything more? JOHN

The BIG Walleye are Biting! |
Weekly Brainerd Fishing Pictures! |
Another Big Walleye |
Life is Good! |
That's a NICE walleye |
Girls Rule!!! |
Fish Catching Machine |
Nice walleye! |
Junior Bass Master |
Personal Best! |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 7-14-14 Gull Lake, North
Long, and the Whitefish Chain continued to kick out walleyes. Key locations have been tight to the weeds in 12
to 13 feet of water. This bite should only improve as the
water temperatures rise. I haven't been to Mille Lacs in
over a month. The few reports I've heard from over there
have been mixed. The good news is the walleye bite in the
Brainerd area has been good for the last five weeks. The
best method for catching these "eyes" has been searching
them out with a depth finder before fishing them. Some of
the schools have been extremely tight to cover. Many times
you'll only see one or two fish outside the edge of the
weeds while searching. Be prepared to throw a marker if you
see more fish when you backtrack over likely locations.
Don't waste time if the fish don't hit within a short time.
Pull up and go looking for a new school. It only takes one
active school to catch a mess of fish right now. The bass
fishing has been good. 25 to 30 fish on a half day trip has
been the average. The jig/worm has still been the best
presentation. This action should only improve with warmer
water. The big pike have finally started to bite. The big
sunfish are in 10 to 14 feet of water. Life is Good and the
weather is beautiful. Give us a call and we will going
fishing!! JOHN

The BIG Walleye are Biting! |
Weekly Brainerd Fishing Pictures! |
Nice Mess of Walleye |
One Happy Young Man! |
That's a NICE Smallie |
It's Fish Fry Time |
That's a Nice Walleye |
The Daily Double! |
Another Nice Walleye! |
Nice Mess of Walleye |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 7-06-14
The walleye continue to bite in the Brainerd Lakes Area.
Gull, North Long, Pelican, and the Whitefish Chain have all
been producing plenty of walleyes this last week. The best
bite on Gull has been occurring on windy, outcast days. The
most productive locations on Gull have been just outside the
weedline in 13 to 16 feet of water. The best locations for
"eyes" on North Long and Pelican Lake have been main lake
structures in 18 to 22 feet of water. Leeches have been
working the best on these two lakes. The best walleye bite
on Whitefish has been happening in 14 to 20 feet of water
depending on the structure. The walleye schools have been
VERY visible on the electronics these last few weeks, so
don't waste time fishing in locations where fish aren't
present. The bass
action has been good with the majority of the fish holding
on the deeper edge of structure. Search out good stands of
cabbage weeds. The best bass have been relating to the edges
where the sand grass meets the cabbage. Crayfish color
patterns have been extremely effective. Thirty bass on a
half day trip have been the norm. Catch rates should only
improve as the water temperate continues to rise. The best
sunfish locations have been found on the deeper edge of
major structure. Panfish leeches tipped on small jigs
suspended from slip bobbers have been effective. There's
still some good crappie action taking place but the bite has
been occurring only very early or late in the day. It's all
good! JOHN

The Walleye are Biting! |
Weekly Brainerd Fishing Pictures! |
Happy Fourth of July |
She's a Fishing Machine |
There's a Pile of Walleyes |
Nice mess of Walleye |
That's a Nice Walleye |
Limit of Walleye |
Another Nice Walleye! |
Captain V Strikes Again! |
Another Mess of Walleye! |
Nice School of Gull Lake Walleyes |
The Daily Double! |
She's a Walleye fishing machine! |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 6-29-14
The walleye continue to bite in the Brainerd Lakes Area.
North Long, Pelican, and Gull have been the best lakes for
catching old marble eyes this past week. The best baits have
been leeches and redtail chub minnows. Key locations have
been just outside the weedline on major wind blown
structures. The walleye schools have been marking well on
the sonar the last few weeks. Don't waste your time fishing
locations where fish aren't present. Use your electronics to
locate the walleye schools before dropping a line. The bass
action has been improving with the warmer water temps. The
bass have moved from the back side of the weedline to the
deeper edge. The shoreline breaks have been producing more
fish than mid-lake structures. The pike action has been
fair. The majority of the toothy gators are still being
caught accidently while fishing for bass or walleye. The
majority of the pike are still deep in the weeds, but this
should change as the water temperatures continue to heat up.
The best sunfish action has been occurring on the deeper
edge of shoreline cabbage weed beds. The best crappie action
has been happening around daybreak and sunset. Key locations
have been just outside of good cabbage beds in 12 to 14 feet
of water. Happy Fourth of July! JOHN

The Walleye are Biting! |
Brainerd Fishing Pictures! |
That's a Nice Bass |
That's a BIG Northern |
He's on a Roll! |
Nice Walleye |
He's a fish catching machine |
Limit of Walleye |
The Daily Double! |
Nice Mess of Walleye |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 6-20-14
The shallow walleye bite on North Long Lake has slowed. The
walleye there have moved out of the shallows and set up shop
on the second breakline. The good news is this deeper water
bite is still pretty good. Gull Lake remains slow. Pelican,
Edwards, and Whitefish have been kicking out a few fish but
still not what we would expect for this time of year. Water
temperature are still well below normal. We need a little
more heat to get things popping. The best walleye bait
continues to be shiner minnows but we will be switching
baits very soon. The shiners are finished spawning and with
be difficult to get, or keep alive, in the near future.
Redtails have been extremely scarce with all of the rivers
running high or closed due to invasive species regulations.
Expect to pay 14 to 15 dollars a dozen when you find them.
The bass action has been good. The bass bite should continue
to improve with rising water temps. Morning trips are
catching 30 to 40 fish on half day trips. Afternoon trips
have been slightly better than mornings for bass action. The
best baits continue to be jig/worm combo fished slowly in
water depths less than 10 feet. The sunfish are just about
finished spawning. The northern pike action has been fair
with the majority of the pike being caught accidentally while
fishing for walleye. Where did June go??? It will be the
Fourth of July very soon. Life is Good! JOHN

Girls Rule! |
Brainerd Fishing Pictures! |
Nice Mess of Walleye |
That's a BIG Bass |
He's on a Roll! |
Nice Mess of Walleye |
He's a fish catching machine |
That's a Nice Walleye |
The Daily Double! |
His Dad is giving lessons |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 6-14-14
The walleye action is starting to pickup in the Brainerd
Lakes Area. North Long Lake has been producing most of the
action in the area. The majority of the fish have been
shallow. The best bite has been occurring on shiner minnows.
There's also a fairly good evening bite going for walleye on
lighted slip bobbers. The best bait has been a 1/8 jig
tipped with a large leech for this late evening eyes. Gull
Lake has been slower then we would expect for this time of
year. The water temp on the Whitefish Chain is still in the
high 50's to low sixties. The entire area needs a good dose
of heat to bring the water temperatures up. Warm fish are
happy, biting fish. The bass are still very shallow. Most
are still in less than 5 feet of water. Light jigs with
stout hooks tipped with a 7 inch power worm has been our
best baits. The crappie action has slowed in the shallows.
We had three extremely warm days in the being of the week
and it seemed like every crappie in the lake was spawning at
once. The sunfish have started to move onto their beds. The
best action has been in 3 to 4 feet. Life is Good! JOHN

The Walleye Bite is ON! |
Brainerd Fishing Pictures! |
Great Morning Fishing! |
That's a Nice Walleye |
Life is Good! |
Nice Mess of Fish |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 5-28-14
The crappie action remains strong in the Brainerd Lakes. The majority of the
crappie schools are still relating to the cabbage weeds in 4 to 6 feet of water but
a few fish have also moved into the pencil reeds. The pencil reed numbers should grow dramatically over the next five days with
the weather forecast calling for sun and highs in the low 80's. The weather can only be described as beautiful right now. A welcomed change from the brutal winter we experienced just months ago. The walleye bite remains spotty. The eyes are still recovering from an extremely late spawn and remain scattered throughout the lake. Water temperatures are currently 10 to 15 degrees cooler than normal. The bass are on their beds right now and the sunfish are 8 to 10 days away from spawning. Bring on the heat. The walleye action will follow. Life is Good! JOHN

Crappie Action Strong! |
Brainerd Fishing Pictures! |
Nice Crappie |
That's a BIG Bass |
Fun Crappie Fishing |
Nice Mess of Fish |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 5-16-14
The walleye are still spawning in many of the lakes
throughout the area. Most of the walleye are still relating
to streams, creeks, and other current areas. The walleye we
caught on opener were all in 6 feet of water or less.
Pitching a jig / shiner minnow was the best combination for
catching these shallow fish. The water is still cold, so
make sure you work your presentations slooowwly. The bites
have been extremely light. The best way to explain them is
they're just there. The crappie fishing on the other hand
has been anything but slow. The majority of the crappie
schools have been relating to the cabbage beds in 5 to 7
feet of water. Fan cast likely areas until you find fish and
then drop an anchor. The crappie schools have been packed
into small areas. Find one crappie at the present time and
you've found a hundred. The fishing should only get better
with the warmer weather. Life is Good! JOHN

The Walleye are Shallow |
Brainerd Fishing Pictures! |
Nice Crappie |
Fun Morning Fishing |
Fun Crappie Fishing |
16.25 inch crappie |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 5-06-14 All the lakes in
the Brainerd Lakes Area are ice free. The last ice left Gull
Lake about 8 to 9 days ago. The daily temperatures have been
slightly below normal but the last few days have been sunny.
Let's hope the pattern holds! I had the boat out for
the first time this last weekend. I was surprised to still
see snow banks on several of the shaded shorelines on the
Whitefish Chain. As far as spring patterns are concerned, we
are definitely behind the typical spring. The rivers and
creeks were full of walleye this last weekend. The spawn was
still going strong on a few of the rivers I visited
yesterday. With only three days left before the Minnesota
Fishing Opener, expect the majority of the walleyes to be
relating to these current areas. Key locations will be the
rivers and creeks which connect one major lake to another.
Prime locations include the bridge on the northern end of
Gull Lake near Zorba's restaurant. I visited the bridge two
days ago and it was full of walleye. There is a fishing
bridge located on the southern side of the bridge which is
open to the public. Come join the hospitality the Lakes area
has to offer as we host the Governor's Opener on Gull Lake.
While the south side of the bridge is good, the northern
side is even better. a jig tipped with a spot tail shiner
should produce lots of action in these types of locations. The
best crappie action is still to come. Have a safe fishing
opener. Stay tuned for weekly updates now that the open
water season has arrived. Life is Good! John

The Lakes are OPEN! |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 4-23-14 It's been a cold,
cold winter but thankfully the warmer spring like weather conditions
have finally starting to gain a foothold in the Northland.
Let's hope they are here to stay! The local ice conditions are improving
daily. We have several smaller lakes which are starting to
open and black ice is popping up on the rest
of the lakes. The current forecast will cause many smaller lakes
to open within the next 8 to 10 days. Great news for those of us
still suffering from our cabin fever blues. It's time to
start thinking about crappie fishing. The boat is coming
home tomorrow. The turkey hunting this year was exceptional.
We harvested some of the largest toms to date. Life is GOOD!
Stay tuned, the open water season will be approaching quickly! JOHN

The "Daily Double" Morning |
Brainerd Fishing Report: 1-28-14 It's been
extremely cold the last few days in the Brainerd Lakes Area.
The temperatures dipped to minus 28 degrees Fahrenheit with wind-chill
readings as low as minus 52 degrees below zero. The true definition of the word "brutal". The only good news has been the darkhouse
spearing action. We spent the last four days with a film
crew from National Geographic filming a segment for
one of their upcoming documentaries. Life could not have
been better. We saw several nice fish and had a great time.
The whole experience was definitively one for the bucket
list. We put several hours of film into the can and even managed to
stick a few nice fish in the process. The biggest pike of
the shoot was a 40 inch monster that swam through while the
film crew was changing position. One second the big gator
was in the hole and then the next moment it was gone. Oh well, I guess that's how fishing
goes. The crappie action remains fair. Give us a call and we
will set you up on a fish of a lifetime. JOHN

National Geographic Shoot |
Brainerd Ice Fishing Pictures! |
Nice Walleye |
Another Nice Pike |
Fun Crappie Fishing |
Nice Mess of Fish |
Brainerd Guide Service is the foremost provider of
Brainerd fishing reports.