Round Lake
Gull Lake
Lake Hubert
Pelican Lake
Walleye Fishing Tips
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The month of May is always an exciting time for walleye fishing in Brainerd, Minnesota. The Minnesota walleye season has just reopened. It is the first opportunity to fish for walleyes in the boat after all those long cold months of hard water. The Brainerd, MN walleye fishing season starts each year on the second Saturday of May at 12:01 am for those not familiar with the Minnesota fishing regulations. It is hard to explain the excitement a Brainerd walleye fishing guide experiences when they finally have a chance to be back on the water. I spent numerous evenings in my youth out trolling for walleye in Brainerd, MN. The mere thought of it brings back a treasure chest of memories. I cannot count how many lost nights of sleep I have missed over the years during those first few weeks of the Minnesota walleye season. Even after working all day as a Brainerd walleye fishing guide, I still find myself taking my kids or friends out to do a little walleye trolling in the evenings, knowing all too well that I'll be moving a little slower the next day. There are many excellent night-trolling lakes for fishing walleyes in Brainerd, Minnesota. The best lakes in the Brainerd Lakes & Crosslake area include; Gull, Upper Whitefish, Mille Lacs, Pelican, North Long, and Round lakes. Key locations are slow tapering shallow water areas with sand or pea-rock bottoms. These are prime spot-tail shiner spawning locations. Walleyes will key in on these locations. Newly developing cabbage growth in the area is an added plus. These are the same locations we fish during the day. The only difference is, that at night, the walleyes will be even shallower. I like to start trolling in 6 feet of water and work shallower as the evening wears on. I have caught limits of Brainerd Lakes' walleye trolling in less than three feet of water with the motor tilted up over the years. The key to trolling for walleye in Brainerd, MN is letting out at least 100-150 feet of line. The Brainerd Lakes & Crosslake areas are known for their clear water. The walleye will spook out to the sides when boats pass over them in shallow water. There must be enough line out so walleye have time to return to their previous location before the bait passes through them. My favorite baits are number 13 to 18 floating Raps in blue/silver, black/gold, and fire tiger. Make sure that you allow the lure to fall back 4-5 feet and then pull it forward from time to time. As you pull the rod forward, you will feel the vibration of the plug when it is running true. When you pull forward and don't feel the plug vibrate, the bait has entangled itself in weeds. Nothing is worse than sitting in a boat for hours without a bite because your lure wasn't running true! My favorite rod for pulling raps is a St. Croix 7 foot medium action bait caster spooled with10 lb test Trilene XT.